This evening I heard a BBC report that Brazil's supreme court has declared it legal to perform research on stem cells taken from human embryos. The report is careful to identify opponents of the research as religious, and the proponents as scientists. They quoted one opponent as stating that allowing this type of research was no different than selling children to take their organs for adults.
We live in a world of confusion.
Does it not seem ironic that leaving your dog on a chain outside carries a fine in some places, yet abortion and embryonic stem cell research is legal?
Food prices are on the rise, some are claiming overpopulation, yet in the US less than 6% of the population is involved in food production.
People in favor of protecting life (and consequently opposed to stem cell research) are "religious" yet animal rights and "green" groups are not? Is the level of commitment to the animal or green causes anything less than religious in nature?
People freeze embryos? How can any imagined nightmare compare to that?
We shake our enlightened heads at the primitive Aztecs sacrificing humans, yet we nod to abortion, freezing embryos, and embryonic stem cell research. What would the Aztecs have thought?